2009/06/02 (二) 第二屆 時頻分析與地球科學研討會  
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歡迎產、官、學、研各界對於地球科學領域有興趣 之先進,來此瞭解與分享所知、所學與寶貴的觀測資料。您的參與可登錄公務員學習時數與技師訓練時數。

範例2. 40年日長資料的EMD分解

Hilbert-Huang Transform(HHT) 是中央研究院黃鍔院士 所發展的訊號分離與解析的方法,包含 Empirical Mode Decomposition(EMD) 與 Hilbert Transform(HT)。


上圖為40年日長(length of day) 資料的EMD分解。

透過 EMD 我們分解出11個IMF,這11個IMF各有其物理意義, 以第二個IMF為例,它的週期為19年,相當於中國曆法的 一章年,這個週期解釋了為何每隔19年,我們的國曆、農曆生日會重疊。而右下圖的residual則是最後一個IMF 的趨勢訊號,它解釋了對地殼岩漿活動的影響。

範例1. 地下水之時頻分析 (點擊圖片可放大)



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講題:Global climate of different scales
摘要:Global climate change is a contentious issue. When we discuss climate change, we should realize that there is a time scale. Different mechanisms will drive climate change of different time scales, from 10^8 to 10^2 year time scales. Each had their controlling mechanisms, which will also be presented, analyzed and discussed.

汪中和 博士,中央研究院地球科學所
摘要:本研究利用Hilbert-Huang Transform方法,分析台灣百年來地溫觀測站,在深度0、5、10、20、30、50、100、200、300、500cm的觀測資料。透過比較不同深度數據之瞬時振幅、瞬時頻率,計算熱能於地表下的傳導速率;並經由趨勢分析探討與氣溫全球及氣候暖化的的相關性。

王逸民 博士,逸奇科技股份有限公司
摘要:Time series signal contains many physical as well as artificial components that can only be perceived when separated. Generally signal is composed of four parts: trend, periodical, discontinuity, and stochastic signals. Without interference, trend is better separated using zero phase filter like Iterative Gaussian Smoothing Filter. Rather than spectrum analysis, periodical signal is better viewed in time-frequency plot due to its time resolution. The showing of frequency changing with time in time-frequency plot in many cases reveals abundant physical phenomena. However, due to various data acquisition conditions and maintenance procedures, quality of data sometimes is degraded by lots of discontinuities, resulting in poor time-frequency resolution and frequency contamination in spectrum analysis. In this presentation, several approaches are explored to remove discontinuity. Examples including strain meter and ground water signals showing significant improvements both in spectrum and time-frequency analysis.

李如晃 博士,經濟部水利署

蘇聖中 技 佐,中央氣象局地震測報中心中央大學地物所、中央大學數據分析中心
講題:Hilbert-Huang Transform(HHT)資料分析初探
3.時頻譜(Time-frequency spectrum),可藉由EMD分析結果做希伯轉換(Hilbert Transform)將資料展現於時間-頻率座標上,表現出能量隨時間與頻率變化之關係進而顯現資料內部特性。進一步利用轉換函數(transfer function)之手法,將待定系統之輸入與輸出訊號加以比對,更可以明顯表現該物體物理特性。
HHT分析方法介紹網頁: http://rcada.ncu.edu.tw/research1_clip_ex.htm
中央氣象局地震中心地球物理資料庫網頁: http://gdms.cwb.gov.tw:80/join.php

賴文基 組長,國立成功大學防災研究中心

鄭育能 博士,國立成功大學航空太空工程學系
講題:Diffusive and fast filter for trend removal
摘要:在複合數據串中的非週期趨勢線,對該數據的Fourier整個頻譜造成影響,影響頻譜或小波圖的判讀,也會使Hilbert-Huang 轉換求其局部極大極小點產生偏移,以致使得上下包絡線受到不當影響。本文介紹使用疊代式高斯濾波器或疊代式移動式最小平方誤差法,以分離出非週期趨勢線,使剩下的週期部份之頻譜、小波圖、Hilbert-Huang頻譜的可判讀性大幅度提升。本文以下面的例子說明濾波參數的影響,並顯示直接使用較大的參數值時,仍可保有1%左右的誤差水平。也以數個例子說明其應用。


右圖:使用不同濾波參數 所得的

胡植慶 博士,國立台灣大學地質科學系
摘要:Project of monitoring of the fault activity using 3-component Gladwin Tensor Strainmeter (GTSM) was initiated by the Central Geological Survey of Taiwan in October 2003. These instruments are intended to supplement the deformation observations from the continuous GPS arrays as part of a systematic program of plate boundary observation across Taiwan orogenic belt. These instruments are installed at a depth of approximately 200 meters at 12 sites of 4 clusters which provide 3 component strain data on both crustal strain accumulation and transient strain variations induced by environmental change and earthquakes. At the beginning of data processing, the time series signal induced by environmental and tidal effects need to be separated in order to evaluate the strain rate change induced by tectonic activity.
Time series signal contains many physical as well as artificial components that can only be perceived when separated. Generally signal is composed of four parts: trend, periodical, discontinuity, and stochastic signals. Without interference, trend is better separated using zero phase filter like Iterative Gaussian Smoothing Filter. Rather than spectrum analysis, periodical signal is better viewed in time-frequency plot
due to its time resolution. The showing of frequency changing with time in time-frequency plot in many cases reveals abundant physical phenomena. However, due to various data acquisition conditions and maintenance procedures, quality of data sometimes is degraded by lots of discontinuities, resulting in poor time-frequency resolution and frequency contamination in spectrum analysis. In this presentation, several
approaches are explored to remove discontinuity. Examples including strain meter and ground water signals showing significant improvements both in spectrum and time-frequency analysis.

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活動日期: 2009 / 06 / 02 (星期二)
活動時間: AM 9:00 - PM 5:30
活動地點: 中央研究院地球科學研究所 二樓會議廳

中央研究院 地球科學研究所 聯絡資訊
地址 : 台北市南港區研究院路2段128號
電話 : 886-2-27839910
傳真 : 886-2-27839871

中央研究院於台北市位置圖 (點擊圖片可放大)



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